Friday, August 14, 2009

Halal, Haram & Slaughter In Islam

These comics that I received in my e-mail wonderfully illustrates the concept and halal, haram and slaughter in Islam. You might want to forward them to your non-Muslim friends so that they too will have a better understanding about these concepts.

Click on the images to enlarge them.


Sayer Best said...

salam,menarik komik ni.boleh saya minta izin untuk copy dalam blog?

Izuan said...

Go ahead, be my guest :)

Leen said...

Thanks a lot sir..
This comic is really good and it also gave me an extra knowledge about Islam..and i just realized that pig have no neck! haha

shah said...

this blog need improvement.. but so far i really like this blog..
if you didn't mind, you can make more story about reality life campus..
the student,the lec and also admin staff..
the real student..

good luck to my friends...

Izuan said...

I also didn't know that pigs do not have necks until I read this comic.

The purpose of creating this blog is to communicate with my students, so everything here is very general and "safe". I have another blog that contains those things you had mentioned, but it's private because I don't want the students and the staff to read about it.

misz_A said...

hi mr izuan... nice blog! very informative.. btw.. i teach BEL subjects too... keep on blogging...


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